Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What is Affixation in English Grammar

In English grammar and morphology, affixation is the process of adding a morpheme—or affix—to a word to create either a different form of that word or a new word with a different meaning; affixation is the most  common way of making new words in English.   The two primary kinds of affixation are prefixation, the addition of a  prefix,  and suffixation, the addition of a suffix, while clusters of affixes can be used to form complex words. A large majority of new words in the English language today are either a result of blending—mashing two words or partial words together to form a new one—or affixation.   Uses of Affixes An affix is a word element of English grammar used to alter the meaning or form of a word and comes in the form of either a prefix or a suffix. Prefixes include examples like un-, self-, and re-, while suffixes come in the form of ending elements like -hood, -ing, or -ed.   While prefixes typically maintain the word class (such as noun, verb, or adjective) of the word its modifying, suffixes oftentimes change the form entirely, as is the case with exploration compared to explore or highlighter compared to highlight. Multiple Iterations You can use multiple iterations of the same affixation to modify a word like grandmother to mean an entirely different person—as in great-great-grandmother, who would be your mothers mothers mothers mother—or a re-re-re-make of a film, wherein this film would be the fourth iteration of its kind. The same can be applied to different prefixes and suffixes being used on the same word. For instance, the word nation means a country, but national means of a nation, nationalize means to make part of a nation, and denationalization means the process of making something no longer part of a nation. This can continue ad nauseam but becomes increasingly odd—especially in spoken rhetoric—the more affixes you use on the same base word. Affixation vs. Blending One form of word alteration and invention that is commonly mistaken for affixation is the process of blending words to form new ones, most notably present in the example of the marketing term cranapple, where people naturally assume the root word cran- from cranberry is being applied as an affix.   However, affixes must be able to be universally attached to other morphemes and still make sense. This is not the case with the cran- root, which is only seen attached to another morpheme in marketing examples of juices that also contain cranberry juice like crangrape and cranapple. Instead of being a stand-alone morpheme which conveys of cranberry, the suffix cran- can only make sense when applied to other juices and is therefore considered a blend of two reduced words (cranberry and apple). Though some words and prefixes can be both stand-alone morphemes or parts of blended words, meaning the phrases arent necessarily mutually exclusive, most often words that are products of blending do not contain any actual productive affixes.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Mozarts Requiem at the Hall Auditorium - 1026 Words

Mozart’s Requiem The concert this year took place on Saturday March 15, 2014 at Hall Auditorium at 7:30 PM. It was called Mozart’s Requiem. Before the Requiem there was a brief piece titled The Strauss Serenade. The Miami University Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ricardo Averbach, the Chamber Singers conducted by William Bausano, and the Collegiate Chorale conducted by Jeremy D. Jones performed the Requiem. The main similarity between Requiem, Opera and Oratorio is that they are all complex works of music. An Opera is generally a kind of music that borrows a lot from the art scenes. Opera involves a lot of acting, scenery and also a lot of costumes are used during its performance. An opera piece can also involve dancing and it is often done in a theatre setting. During the Baroque Era, opera performances gained a lot of publicity especially in Italy. It involved a lot of comic dances, which was the main attraction to the audiences. As years went by, the actors came up with high level of costume design, which helped to raise the competition among these works even higher (Meetze). The people held the authors of opera pieces at that time in high esteem, and they remained influential individuals in the society. On the other hand, Oratorio is a kind of opera that does not involve use of costumes and play-acting. It often involves topics, which one would consider sacred, so it is most often p erformed in church. Unlike non-oratorio opera whose main topics include

Sunday, December 15, 2019

City of Kelsey Budgeting Free Essays

Tiera Bristol November 19, 2012 Policing in Kelsey: Budget Report Professor Charles McClelland Abstract Working as the budget director for the mayor of the city of Kelsey, we have recently been getting numerous complaints from the citizens about an increase in crime and also an issue of the public demanding for more police officers. With the population of the city growing daily, the increase of crime is continuing to progress as well. The mayor has informed us that this past year is the highest increase in crime in the city’s history, that the federal government has reduced the federal pass-through money for the state and that the budgeting group needs to revamp the budget for the coming year. We will write a custom essay sample on City of Kelsey Budgeting or any similar topic only for you Order Now Within this document as the Budget officer, we will take a close look at the present budget to determine the changes that need to be made in order to come up with a solution that is politically feasible. In doing so we will examine numerous things in depth which includes looking at how the changes affect the fiscal cycle of your budgeting, how the preparation, execution, and evaluation of the budgeting cycle would change, our budgeting approach based on the changes and the reasons, differences of the chosen budgeting approach from those not used, a plan to address the crime issue, and lastly a summary of the cost-benefit analysis of your plan. Main According to Apollo Group (2007), â€Å"Kelsey is nestled in the hills of the Northwest Valley. With a population of 625,000 Kelsey offers the amenities of the big city, but still retains its small town charm† (para. 1). In addition to the limited budget, there has been a recent budgetary reform at the federal level, which has put additional pressure on local police agencies to use the federal money before it expires. The state Chiefs of Police Association is lobbying the state for a 15% public safety tax for a temporary 3-year period in order to make up the deficit. The state legislature and local governments are wary of adding any additional new taxes on citizens. In addition, the state’s Sierra Club organization is putting pressure on state and local government to hire less police officers, build more prisons, and develop the state’s infrastructure. There are different types of budgeting that businesses typically use and those include Operating budgets, Capital Budgets and there are many subtypes that exist because a budget can also be created for special events, the recruitment and retention of new staff, and to manage the advertising expenses and return on investments for a business (Demand Media, 1999-2012). According to Demand Media (1999-2012), â€Å"An operating budget outlines the total operating expenses and income for the organization, typically for the period of a fiscal year. Capital budgets evaluate the investments and assets of the business, and a cash budget shows the predicted cash flow in and out of the business over a period of time† (para. 2 ). According to the Cost-Benefit Analysis (2012), â€Å"Capital budgeting has at its core the tool of cost-benefit analysis; it merely extends the basic form into a multi-period analysis, with consideration of the time value of money. In this context, a new product, venture, or investment is evaluated on a start-to-finish basis, with care taken to capture all the impacts on the company, both cost and benefits. When these inputs and outputs are quantified by year, they can then be discounted to present value to determine the net present value of the opportunity at the time of the decision† (â€Å"Cost-Benefit Analysis,† 2012). In taking steps to resolve these issues in the city of Kelsey and coming up with a solution that is politically feasible we will use the cost-benefit analysis which is the process of determining costs and benefits for programs, decisions, and projects and making a true yet equal determination for an end result. This process in my opinion is almost like a prediction for what the end result will look like†¦ â€Å"In governmental planning and budgeting, the attempt to measure the social benefits of a proposed project in monetary terms and compare them with its costs† (â€Å"Cost-Benefit Analysis,† 2012). When it comes to looking at different Business decisions that would use the cost-benefit analysis, the reasoning could be, but not limited to â€Å"whether or not to add employees, introduce a new technology, purchase equipment, change vendors, implement new procedures, and remodel or relocate facilities† (â€Å"Cost-Benefit Analysis,† 2012). According to the Cost-Benefit Analysis (2012), â€Å"Cost-benefit analysis is the exercise of evaluating an action’s consequences by weighing the pluses, or benefits, against the minuses, or costs. It is the fundamental assessment behind virtually every business decision, due to the simple fact that business managers do not want to spend money unless the resulting benefits are expected to exceed the costs. As companies increasingly seek to cut costs and improve productivity, cost-benefit analysis has become a valuable tool for evaluating a wide range of business opportunities, such as major purchases, organizational changes, and expansions† (â€Å"Cost-Benefit Analysis,† 2012). In coming up with a plan that demonstrates how the preparation, execution and evaluation of the budgeting cycle would change would look like this, according to the Cost-Benefit Analysis (2012), â€Å"A formal cost-benefit analysis is a multi-step process which includes a preliminary survey, a feasibility study, and a final report. At the conclusion of each step, the party responsible for performing the analysis can decide whether continuing on to the next step is warranted. The preliminary survey is an initial evaluation that involves gathering information on both the opportunity and the existing situation. The feasibility study involves completing the information gathering as needed and evaluating the data to gauge the short- and long-term impact of the opportunity. Finally, the formal cost-benefit analysis report should provide decision makers with all the pertinent information they need to take appropriate action on the opportunity. It should include an executive summary and introduction; information about the scope, purpose, and methodology of the study; recommendations, along with factual justification; and factors concerning implementation† (â€Å"Cost-Benefit Analysis,† 2012). When it comes to coming up with ideas to address the issue of crime there are no set strategy that can be deemed perfect. Instead it is a good idea to proactive, alert and daily trying to come up with new ideas to address this issue. Crime is on the rise and everyday criminals are getting smarter and coming up with new tactics and ways for committing crimes, therefore it is critical for law enforcement, as a unit to put just as much time and effort, if not more, in coming up with new/advanced approaches, tactics, plans and policies to deter crime. Through research I found that Governor Snyder’s plan to fight crime in the State of Michigan to very interesting. After examining the Governor’s plan we feel that it would also be a good idea to look at some of the same things within the city of Kelsey around coming up with a plan to address the current crime issues. According to Michigan Radio Newsroom (2012), â€Å"Secure Cities Partnership (provide local assistance and coordinate teams of local, state and federal law enforcement officers to direct patrols and provide investigative resources), Fire and first responders (forming an advisory council that will recommend ways to provide better emergency services statewide with a long-term, sustainable cost model), Prosecutorial support (investment for prosecutorial support in distressed cities), Mental health courts (They can require individuals to comply with treatment, which may keep them from committing crimes), Drug courts (Drug treatment courts address the revolving-door cycle in which drug and alcohol offenders move in and out of the justice system; a high-risk, high-need drug court initiative that expands drug court programming), Human trafficking (protects victims and goes after the individuals who profit from this crime), New paths for young people (help teens from urban areas realize tha t promising opportunities exist), Removing abandoned buildings (Abandoned buildings often are havens for illegal activity. orbid individuals with unpaid taxes or who own blighted properties from buying any more property at auction), Truancy (placing more social workers within public schools)† (para. 3). Conclusion Throughout this document we have analyzed ways to come up with a solution that is politically feasible in making corrections to the budget. Using the cost-benefit analysis tool is essential and highly beneficial in determining what will stay and what organizations will be dismissed. We have looked at the Governor of Michigan plan and approach to address the crime issues and of those mentioned and described, would be necessary to analysis within the city of Kelsey. Reference Apollo Group. (2007). The City of Kelsey. Retrieved from How to cite City of Kelsey Budgeting, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Creating dramatic tension Essay Example For Students

Creating dramatic tension Essay This type of short sentence structure is known as staccato rhythm. Its a means of creating dramatic tension. The reason behind this tension could be the connotation of interruption that speeds up the conversation. West and Zimmerman (1974:81) When someone doesnt finish a sentence because theyre interrupted, this then hastens the next sentence, because they want to finish what they were saying. When people are speaking fast, especially Americans, they tend to substitute words in the dialogue. Aitchison and Lewis (2003) devised some theories about word substitution. Its very characteristic of spontaneous discourse to avoid tedious repetition. For example, words like so and gonna are common words in American slang that are difficult to detect because they are used so often in Will and Grace. Another type is ellipsis, which is omitting elements altogether. Speakers, who know each other well, often use ellipsis because they have many shared meanings that do not need stating explicitly. In Will and Grace, the two main characters have been friends forever and because sex is not a factor in their relationship, they can share things most cross-sex friendships cant. Will: Yeah, and then Harpo and Zeppo could bring in the Deans wife, and well all sail to Fredonia. Grace: Hey, dont knock it. It was very funny when we did it in my Dads G. I series. Theyre sharing a memory here that the audience would not know about. They dont need to go into detail about it because they know what each other is trying to say. The conversational analysis of Will and Grace has shown a lot of common theories about dialogue patterns in broadcasting. These conversations also convey other meanings about the sitcom. They show different representations of men and women and in particular emphasise the speech patterns of homosexuals Will and Jack. Will and Grace put a positive spin on the representations of gender and sexuality, which was a taboo subject on television only a few years ago. According to Dirk Schulz of www. genderforum. uni-koeln. de, the American sitcom Ellen caused outrage for NBCs viewers, when she turned gay through her series. It was conceived as abnormal. However, Will and Graces producers characterised Will and Jack as gay from the beginning. This gave a feeling of safety and predictability for the viewers and would not propose any shock. The humour would be if Will and Jack decided to become straight, it would be uncharacteristic for them, but not have the same shock value for the audience. In most discourse, the representations of gay characters are either presented as tragically doomed or laughing stock for the audience. Sandler (2001:131). This ideological inference is challenged in the 1981 film, The Celluliod Closet (1981). It examines our attitudes about sexuality and sex roles using celebrities as their focus. Celebrities serve as potential role models for their audiences. Smith (2000:341) They identify with the role of the celebrities themselves. This is why this film gained critical acclaim for its insight into homosexuality and why the representation of homosexuals is more politically correct. Will and Grace adopts this theory by having cameo roles for celebrities in their show. Madonna and Kevin Bacon are some of the many celebrities that have appeared in the series. Homosexuality is an essential part of media representation, but is a fairly new construction of discourse. Ellen was the first sitcom to really promote homosexuality, but Will and Grace managed to do it in a more effective way. It appears normal in their New York society and there is a big culture for it. Will and Jack have frequent partners in the show and society seems to accept them. However, in the episode, Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Hes Kept Me in The Closet and I, So Sad, Wills father, George is proud of his son but finds his homosexuality difficult to deal with in front of his peers. .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 , .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .postImageUrl , .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 , .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05:hover , .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05:visited , .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05:active { border:0!important; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05:active , .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05 .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u90e5a07b3599590faabd415261dbef05:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How would you direct Act3 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet for a contemporary audience at the Globe Theatre EssayHe tells them that Will and Grace are married, to avoid telling his fellow colleagues that he is gay. He thinks they will disapprove. In the end he tells them the truth and they accept it, with no qualms. Whether this would happen in real life is debateable, however, this sitcom shows that gender and sexuality norms are being challenged. Gender roles in Will and Grace could be argued as typically 21st Century. Grace is a strong female character, who runs her own business and has a good sense of humour. She is not oppressed by men and cant even cook. Will often takes on the domestic responsibilities of the pair, but also works as a legal attorney. He is not feminised and appears to be an ordinary man in the city. Jack however, is extremely camp. His constant cabaret acts and high pitched tone are characteristic audiences would expect from a gay man. However, his character appears to emphasise these expectations for audience pleasures, so they can identify with their own norms about gay men. Its part of Walkers theory about predictability. Walker (2000:51). By affirming the cognitive stability of gay identity as a category, but rather endorsing gay identity as a signifier of resistance to the often exclusionary logic of identity that nonetheless makes possible at given moments for different constituencies, an identity of resistance. Endelman (1994). The character of Jack was allowed to be as gay as he liked, because he had a gay identity that was accepted by the audience. In conclusion, Will and Grace was an apt sitcom to analyse. The conversational analysis showed many theorists ideas about pauses and language rhythm. It showed how, when analysing the transcripts, a clear idea of how the dialogue is structured can be seen. This qualitative approach allowed me to do an in-depth research into the language and its structure. A quantitative analysis would have prevented me from doing so. The language also showed clear gender representations in the series. The main characters have strong representations, including homosexual representations, that are not commonly seen in other sitcoms. It challenges the preconceived ideologies that some viewers may have when watching television, but it is not shocking. Previous discourse has allowed Will and Grace to freely adopt gay representations for their characters that has proved a huge success internationally. References Aitchison, J. Lewis, D. (Eds). (2003). New Media Language. London: Routledge. COULTHARD, M. (1985). An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, 2nd edn. London: Longman. Davis, H. Walton, P. (1983). Language, Image, Media. Oxford: Blackwell. Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs; NJ: Prentice Hall. Heritage, J. (1984). Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity. Scannell, P. (1991). Broadcast Talk. London: Sage.