Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Tone, Motif and Theme in Night Essay examples -- essays research paper

When people lose their dignity, they also lose a part of the very thing that makes them human. Despair, hopelessness, fear and apathy are all ways a human can lose their humanity. The eyes provide a window onto the soul, and thus a view on the person’s mental state. The eyes also function in reverse, as a symbolic gesture of control over someone. All of this is present in Night, by Elie Wiesel, an account of human tragedy, human cruelty, human dignity, and the loss thereof.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the start of the book, the residents of Sighet live relatively happily, oblivious to the approaching storm. Mochà © the Beadle practices the cabbala, with, â€Å"dreaming eyes† (13), living his life by his own terms. His eyes are his distinguishing factor; they show his hope for the future, his love of life, and his own freedom. Mochà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s eyes seperate him from the rest of the town, elevating him to a model of self-esteem, and a confident, independent person. However, the German cruelty to the foreign Jews changes Mochà ©; â€Å"There was no longer any joy in his eyes† (17). By subjecting him to horror and fear, they removed the parts of Mochà © that made him Mochà ©. When Mochà © lost his dignity, he lost himself. The horrifying part of Mochà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s experience is the Gestapo; they acted, â€Å"without passion, without haste† (16). Their apathy towards their ‘job’ turns them into monsters. The inhuman act of m urdering hundreds of people in cold blood was made even more heartless by feeling no emotion abo...

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